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Critical Conversations on Equity Access and Inclusion: Understanding the Asian American Physiatrist Experience

The Diversity and Inclusion Committee invites all members to come together on Monday, April 12 at 6p CT for the next event in the series: Critical Conversations on Equity Access and Inclusion: Understanding the Asian American Physiatrist Experience.

This event will -

  • Provide a safe space to allow all members to hear personal stories from Asian American colleagues
  • Engage in a thoughtful discussion about discrimination and the challenges faced by Asian American physicians, particularly noting the spike in racist incidents since the beginning of the COVID 19 pandemic.
  • Provide thoughtful recommendations to attendees on how they can counter discrimination in their communities

This webinar is not being recorded out of respect for confidentiality of our members who choose to share their story. 
Availability: No future session
Cost: FREE
Credit Offered:
No Credit Offered
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