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An Advanced Practice Providers 101 Guide to PM&R
To support the Visioning PM&R BOLD Envisioned Future Models, all of which require an adequate physiatric workforce to meet the demand, the Academy has launched a series of online educational content for Physiatrists and Advanced Practice Providers (APPs). Working with APPs is one critical pathway to maximizing the workforce in physiatry. To accomplish this, education has been developed in two areas:
  • Education for physiatrists regarding the benefits of effectively collaborating with APPs in their own setting, and how to approach incorporating APPs into practice.
  • Education for APPs so that they can more effectively be integrated into physiatric practice.
The educational content for this online module includes:
  • Mastering Your MSK Exams
  • Brain Subspecialty
  • Neuromuscular Subspecialt
  • Pain Subspecialty
  • PM&R Diagnostics – Electrodiagnostics
  • Neuromuscular Ultrasound – Basics and Overview
  • The ABC’s of Durable Medical Equipment
Within each of the modules are multiple presentations that dig dep into the topics, providing a beneficial educational experience for the participant. A strong focus of this educational content is for the Academy to increase dynamic member engagement with all membership segments, not only to support physiatrists in anticipation of a growing workforce need, but to also cultivate a welcoming environment for our physiatrists that work with APP’s as well as APP’s themselves.
Method of Study
Upon viewing the presentations, participants will need to complete a session evaluation, which includes a reflection on learning, in order to claim credit. The presentations can be viewed at one's own pace and credit can be claimed after viewing the sessions.

Accreditation Statement
The American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

Designation of Credit
The American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (AAPM&R) designates this enduring material for a maximum of 4.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. 

Financial Disclosures
AAPM&R requires all individuals who are in a position to control the content of an educational activity to disclose all relevant financial relationships with any commercial interest, which is any entity producing, marketing, re-selling or distributing health care goods or services consumed by, or used on, patients. Disclosures are made in written form prior to the start of the educational activity and any potential conflicts of interest that exist are resolved prior to the start of the activity through AAPM&R’s Conflict of Interest Disclosure and Resolution Policy Process. Individuals in a position to control content and their disclosed financial relationships are listed below.

AAPM&R Medical Education Committee:
Steven R. Flanagan, MD, Chair: Royalties from Springer Publishing; research grant from Brain Injury of America.
Anna-Christina Bevelaqua, MD: Disclosed no relevant financial relationships.
Justin M. Bishop, MD, MBA, MS: Disclosed no relevant financial relationships.
Joseph E. Burris, MD: Serves on the Speakers Bureau for, and received clinical research grants from Allergan.
John C. Cianca, MD: Ownership or partnership with Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Consultants, LLC.
Andrew B. Collins, MD: Disclosed no relevant financial relationships.
Rita G. Hamilton, DO: Disclosed no relevant financial relationships.
Mark E. Huang, MD: Nonremunerative position of influence at Cerner Corporation.
R. Sam Mayer, MD: Royalties from Demos Medical Publishing.
Andre Panagos, MD: Disclosed no relevant financial relationships.
Atul T. Patel, MD, MHSA: Speakers Bureau for Allergan, Ipsen, Merz; participates in clinical trials for Ipsen, Merz, and Revance; Guideline and AUC Committee for the AAOS, nonremunerative position of influence.
Kerrie M. Reed, MD: Disclosed no relevant financial relationships.
Sunil Sabharwal, MD: Royalities from Demos Publishing; board member, American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

AAPM&R CME Committee:
Karen P. Barr, MD, Chair: Disclosed no relevant financial relationships.
Rishi R. Bakshi, DO: Disclosed no relevant financial relationships.
John S. Harrell, MD: Disclosed no relevant financial relationships.
Sheryl R. Levin, MD: Disclosed no relevant financial relationships.
Didem Inanoglu, MD: Disclosed no relevant financial relationships.
Evan R. Peck, MD: Disclosed no relevant financial relationships.
Patricia T. Tan, MD: Disclosed no relevant financial relationships.
Kristin A. Wong, MD: Disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

No other planners, faculty or other individuals in control of content disclosed any relevant financial relationships.

FDA Disclosures
All faculty members for this activity have disclosed they do not intend to discuss or demonstrate any pharmaceutical or medical device for which FDA clearance has not been approved.
Availability: Retired
Cost: Member: $150.00
Non-Member: $195.00
Resident Member: $69.00
Resident Non-Member: $99.00
Credit Offered:
No Credit Offered
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