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AAPM&R National Grand Rounds: Fibromyalgia - Treating Pain Based on the Underlying Mechanism
AAPM&R National Grand Round Series: Fibromyalgia
Faculty: Daniel J. Clauw, MD
Moderator: Andrew B. Collins, MD

There is no “one fits all” way to manage and treat fibromyalgia because each patient you may encounter is different and has unique conditions. Each one needs to be handled with an individual care plan, which includes identifying their own specific fibromyalgia treatment goals. During this National Grand Rounds session, Daniel J. Clauw, MD, Professor of Anesthesiology, Medicine (Rheumatology) and Psychiatry, and Director of the Chronic Pain and Fatigue Research Center at the University of Michigan will present an overview of fibromyalgia and chronic pain, and discusses the rationale behind a variety of current research studies into the possible causes of fibromyalgia. Dr. Clauw will provide his assessment on the underlying mechanisms that are responsible for chronic pain syndrome and address how to managing them using various treatment options.

Register now to join this exciting National Grand Round and hear about the latest advancements in the management and treatment of fibromyalgia. If you know someone who might be interested in this topic, please forward them this information, even if they are not a physiatrist!
Availability: No future session
Cost: FREE
Credit Offered:
1 CME Credit
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